Current Liabilities: What They Are and How to Calculate Them

Another side of the recording will impact the interest payable which is the company’s obligation toward the creditors. Interest Payable is a liability account on an organization’s balance sheet that represents the amount of interest owed to lenders and creditors for borrowed funds or unpaid promissory notes. Interest payable is typically reported as a current liability as the company has obligation to settle with the creditor in less than ax year from the reporting date.

  1. Depending on the company’s industry, there can be other kinds of current liabilities listed in the balance sheet under other current liabilities.
  2. Companies typically will use their short-term assets or current assets such as cash to pay them.
  3. The most common is the accounts payable, which arise from a purchase that has not been fully paid off yet, or where the company has recurring credit terms with its suppliers.
  4. The interest rate was 10% each year, and they had 20 days after each month’s conclusion to pay the interest charge.
  5. Commercial paper is also a short-term debt instrument issued by a company.

A note payable has written contractual terms that make it available
to sell to another party. The principal on a note
refers to the initial borrowed amount, not including interest. Interest is a monetary incentive to the lender,
which justifies loan risk. An invoice from the supplier (such as the one shown in
Figure 12.2) detailing the purchase, credit terms, invoice
date, and shipping arrangements will suffice for this contractual
relationship. In many cases, accounts payable agreements do not
include interest payments, unlike notes payable. A note payable is a debt to a lender with specific repayment terms, which can include principal and interest.

Accounting for Current Liabilities

The journal entry would be interest expense debit and interest payable credit. Hence in the balance sheet, made at the end of the six months, this amount will be shown under current liabilities as interest payable. It is reported on the income statement as a non-operating expense, and is derived from such lending arrangements as lines of credit, loans, and bonds. The amount of interest incurred is typically expressed as a percentage of the outstanding amount of principal. The most common liabilities are usually the largest like accounts payable and bonds payable.

Interest payable can also be a current liability if accrual of
interest occurs during the operating period but has yet to be paid. Interest accrued is recorded in Interest Payable (a credit) and
Interest Expense (a debit). This method assumes a twelve-month
denominator in the calculation, which means that we are using the
calculation method based on a 360-day year. This method was more
commonly used prior to the ability to do the calculations using
calculators or computers, because the calculation was easier to
perform. However, with today’s technology, it is more common to see
the interest calculation performed using a 365-day year.

Payments are due on January 1 of each year; thus, the payable account will be utilized temporarily. Interest payable is the amount of interest owed to lenders by a corporation as of the balance sheet date. Company A has taken a loan of $1,000,000 from a lender at a 10% interest rate, semi-annually. An accrual is something that has occurred but has not yet been paid for.

Examples of Accrued Expenses

Both the current and quick ratios help with the analysis of a company’s financial solvency and management of its current liabilities. Banks, for example, want to know before extending credit whether a company is collecting—or getting paid—for its accounts receivable in a timely payroll for accountants intuit manner. A business owes $1,000,000 to a lender at a 6% interest rate, and pays interest to the lender every quarter. After one month, the company accrues interest expense of $5,000, which is a debit to the interest expense account and a credit to the interest payable account.

What Is the Relationship Between Assets, Liabilities, and Shareholder’s Equity?

The journal entries of interest payable are the same as other payable or liabilities. The current period’s unpaid interest expense that contributes to the interest payable liability is reported in income statement. Interest is not reported under operating expenses section of income statement because it is a charge for borrowed funds (i.e., a financial expense), not an operating expense. It is usually presented in “non-operating or other items section” which typically comes below the operating income. For example, assume that each time a shoe store sells a $50 pair
of shoes, it will charge the customer a sales tax of 8% of the
sales price. The $4 sales tax is a current liability until distributed
within the company’s operating period to the government authority
collecting sales tax.

To meet this need, it issues a 6 month 15% note payable to a lender on November 1, 2020 and collects $500,000 cash from him on the same day. Maria will repay the principal amount of debt plus interest @ 15% on April 30, 2021, on which the note payable will come due. Only when the corporation uses the loan and incurs interest expense in the next month will the obligation exist.

How do I record accrued interest?

Accrued interest is the amount of interest that is incurred but not yet paid for or received. If the company is a borrower, the interest is a current liability and an expense on its balance sheet and income statement, respectively. If the company is a lender, it is shown as revenue and a current asset on its income statement and balance sheet, respectively. Generally, on short-term debt, which lasts one year or less, the accrued interest is paid alongside the principal on the due date. First, interest expense is an expense account, and so is stated on the income statement, while interest payable is a liability account, and so is stated on the balance sheet. Second, interest expense is recorded in the accounting records with a debit, while interest payable is recorded with a credit.

To illustrate the difference between interest expense and interest payable, let’s assume that a company borrows $200,000 on November 1 at an annual interest rate of 6%. The company is required to pay each month’s interest on the 15th day of the following month. Therefore, the November interest of $1,000 ($200,000 x 6% x 1/12) is to be paid on December 15. The $1,000 of interest incurred during December is to be paid on January 15. Therefore, as of December 31, the company’s current liability account Interest Payable must report $1,000 for December’s interest. For the two-month period, the company will report Interest Expense of $2,000 (November’s and December’s interest of $1,000 each month).

In contrast to interest payable is interest receivable, which is any interest the company owned by its borrowers. Liabilities are usually considered short-term (expected to be concluded in 12 months or less) or long-term (12 months or greater). They are also known as current or non-current depending on the context. Assume Rocky Gloves Co. borrowed $500,000 from a bank to expand its business on August 1, 2017. When the payment is due on October 4, Higgins Woodwork Company forms an arrangement with their lender to reimburse the $50,000 plus a 10-month interest.

After the second month, the company records the same entry, bringing the interest payable account balance to $10,000. After the third month, the company again records this entry, bringing the total balance in the interest payable account to $15,000. It then pays the interest, which brings the balance in the interest payable account to zero. While accounts payable and bonds payable make up the lion’s share of the balance sheet’s liability side, the not-so-common or lesser-known items should be reviewed in depth. For example, the estimated value of warranties payable for an automotive company with a history of making poor-quality cars could be largely over or under-valued. Discontinued operations could reveal a new product line a company has staked its reputation on, which is failing to meet expectations and may cause large losses down the road.

It is used to help calculate how long the company can maintain operations before becoming insolvent. The proper classification of liabilities as current assists decision-makers in determining the short-term and long-term cash needs of a company. At the end of the accounting period, the company requires to record interest expense on the income statement even if the payment is not yet made.