About Us


Our team is composed of leaders with experience at several major studios, and who have distinguished themselves as industry leading producers and content creators of visually dynamic animated television shows and feature films.

In collaboration with its international partners, SKYFOX Media produces high quality family entertainment positioned for theatrical release worldwide and distribution across all home entertainment outlets including VOD, SVOD, and Digital.
Inside SKYFOX media

To become the leading provider of visually dynamic animation content on an independent budget and provide production services for third parties. 

To create fresh, unique and original content that will captivate audiences worldwide. 

We do not accept unsolicited and unauthorized submission of creative ideas, works, or other materials, and by submitting ideas, works and materials, the provider/sender acknowledges that we take no responsibility and will have no liability with respect to its use by any third-party. SKYFOX Media will not be held legally responsible for the submitted ideas, works or materials.  

Please click the following link for our unsolicited submissions policy:   

Submission Form 


 SKYFOX Media Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries, parent, affiliates and/or related entities (collectively, “SKYFOX”,  “us” or “our”), wishes to inform you of our company policy regarding the acceptance, review and/or consideration of materials, including without limitation, ideas, suggestions, notes, scripts, story lines, text, screenplays, articles, formats, treatments, fiction, proposals, videos, marketing or promotional plans, program formats, literary material, videos, audiovisual works, musical compositions, characters, drawings, artwork, concepts and/or other information and/or materials that are not submitted via the Submission Process (collectively, “Unsolicited Submission(s)”) in any form whatsoever. 

Our company policy does not allow us to accept, review or consider, and we do not knowingly accept, review or consider, any Unsolicited Submission(s).  DO NOT SEND US ANY UNSOLICITED SUBMISSION(S), AS IT IS OUR COMPANY POLICY TO DELETE, DESTROY OR RETURN ANY AND ALL UNSOLICITED SUBMISSION(S) IMMEDIATELY AND AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT REVIEWING THEM, whether sent to us by mail, electronic transmission, and personal delivery or otherwise, by you or any other person or entity. 

SKYFOX seeks to avoid possible future misunderstandings and disputes when products and materials developed by our own employees or licensees, or at our request, might seem to others to be similar to their own creative work and/or Unsolicited Submission(s).  At all times, SKYFOX has many products and projects in various stages of development, and the results of these endeavors may, be similar or identical to your own products or projects. 

No Unsolicited Submission(s) will be forwarded to or reviewed by any SKYFOX staff.  Any similarity between any Unsolicited Submission(s) and any elements in any SKYFOX’s creative work including without limitation any film, television series, commercial, podcast, branded content, story, character, title or concept, would be purely coincidental. 

If despite our request you ignore this policy and submit any Unsolicited Submission(s), you hereby assign to SKYFOX all rights of every nature and description, in perpetuity, throughout the universe in and to such Unsolicited Submission(s).  As such, such Unsolicited Submission(s) will be deemed, and will remain, the property of SKYFOX and may be used, copied, sublicensed, adapted, transmitted, distributed, publicly performed, published, displayed or deleted as we see fit, and SKYFOX will exclusively own all now known or hereafter existing rights in and to any Unsolicited Submission(s) of any kind and nature throughout the universe in perpetuity, and we will be entitled to unrestricted use of such Unsolicited Submission(s) for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, by all means and in all media now or hereafter known or devised, without compensation to you and/or any other sender of such Unsolicited Submission(s).  You agreed that you are not entitled to any compensation, credit or notice whatsoever in connection with any Unsolicited Submission(s), and you further agree that by sending Unsolicited Submission(s) you waive the right to make any claim against SKYFOX, relating to such Unsolicited Submission(s), including without limitation, unfair competition, copy right infringement, breach of implied contract or breach of confidentiality. 

No Unsolicited Submission(s) will be subject to any obligation of confidence on our part and we will not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Unsolicited Submission(s). 

SKYFOX Media is an equal opportunity employer. In addition, SKYFOX Media is committed to providing accommodations for people with disabilities in accordance with provincial legislation. Please let us know if you require a reasonable accommodation due to a disability during any aspect of the recruitment process and we will work with you to address your needs.